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Voice Lessons and Consulting Services


My lessons can look different from person to person, and span a wide range of skills depending on the needs of the students: a typical lesson could include pure technique work, audition prep, repertoire building, music theory study, or ear training.  We build a lesson plan around your needs and goals, and I structure the lessons to best fit those goals.  


Since 2014, I have been teaching online, serving students all around the world.  As the pandemic moved more and more activities online, I moved to working exclusively online, through Google Meet.  I have worked with students as far away as Israel and New Zealand, and my scheduling site makes booking from other time zones simple and intuitive.  Over the years, I've found that online lessons are nearly identical to in-person lessons, with the main difference being that I am not able to accompany students over the internet because of latency issues.  If you're unsure whether online lessons are a fit for you, shoot me an email and we can talk about your needs!  


For questions, concerns, or more info, feel free to email me at so we can chat about your singing journey!

**I am not currently accepting students under 18**

Voice Lessons

For most of us, our voice is the primary way we communicate with the world.  As singers, many of us feel the strength of our voice even more, and its power to convey our thoughts and emotions.  That means jumping into voice lessons, whether you're a beginner or an expert, can be vulnerable.  You are willingly asking someone to critique and change the way you connect with the outside world.  


My goal as a teacher is not to change your voice.  It is to help you find the voice that feels the most honest, the most genuine, and the most grounded.  We work to build safe singing practices to make your voice more sustainable, more reliable, and more flexible.  But we are not endeavoring to take away what makes your voice your own.  In fact, we are digging into what makes your voice special, and helping it shine even more.  



55 minutes: $60.00

Consulting Services

Throughout my years working in the theatre industry, I've had the pleasure of working within many facets of the field.  I have worked on cruise ships, been a founding member of a theatre company, vocal directed many shows and been both in front of and behind the table, helped develop and build a new theatre venue in Minneapolis, and worked as a voice teacher for nearly a decade.  These experiences have given me the tools to help other folks navigate the world of theatre and business, and I'd love to extend that knowledge to you as well.


Some topics that I have found I can provide particular guidance for are:

  • Performers looking to break into the field of professional performing

  • Folks wanting to work on cruise ships

  • Voice teachers looking to start or expand their studio, or learn more about online voice lessons

  • Performers looking for audition guidance, from breaking down audition calls to talking through their resume and audition prep

  • Performers looking to start small businesses

  • Folks looking to start a theatre company, buy a venue, or renovate an existing building 

  • Small businesses looking for creative guidance


Sometimes, all you need is an hour with someone to bounce ideas around with.  Other times, you need a guide to help you through your journey week to week.  I am eager to be there for you and help make your dreams a reality.


Email me for more information at!


Voice Lessons

Having lessons on Skype is actually ridiculously convenient. I don’t have to worry about transportation and carving time out of my schedule for that as well, and I can work in my home, which is the most comfortable environment for me. The good thing about Skype lessons is that you don’t have to settle for proximity over quality, and Christine is the best vocal teacher I have ever worked with, and I am only able to work with her because of Skype, it is definitely a fantastic choice.



Almost four years ago I started working with Christine, and she has been my most valued teacher and mentor ever since. I was looking for someone competent who would work with me to realize my aspirations, and I found that person in Christine. Her knowledge of the voice is inspiring, and through my lessons with her over these past few years I'm becoming more and more self-sufficient. She has taught me how to sing, but perhaps even more importantly, she teaches how to think and act like an independent perfomer.


Consulting Services

Christine has an impeccable ability to hone in on the needs of a business and come up with creative and realistic solutions that can be implemented in real time. I started using Christine's consulting services about 2 years ago and since then I've used her regularly to continue to improve my already-established business. With Christine's help I've made incredible changes to my business that have helped me gain efficiency in my systems and processes as well as increase revenue and decrease my expenses. What I really love about Christine is the style and approach she brings to her consulting work -- she acts as a team member and a collaborator. She doesn't just tell me what to do, but rather she helps me explore different facets of my business that could be improved and together we have come up with numerous ideas that have helped my company grow to greater heights. I couldn't be more grateful for Christine's help!

Kate Greenberg,

owner of Head Above Water

I’ve worked with Christine for about 3 years. In addition to her great work as a vocal and acting coach, her consulting services are top notch. I can always trust her advice when I have any questions about my career. From what kind of auditions to seek out, what to look for in an agent, and even how to handle taxes as a performer, her knowledge is incredibly valuable to any up-and-coming artist. I highly recommend Christine and all of her services!

Natalee Merola, performer

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